5.16 linksBed

Creates an HTML file with links to an instance of the UCSC Genome Browser for all features / intervals in a file. This is useful for cases when one wants to manually inspect through a large set of annotations or features.

5.16.1 Usage and option summary


linksBed [OPTIONS] -i <BED/GFF/VCF> > <HTML file>
Option Description
-base The “basename” for the UCSC browser. Default: http://genome.ucsc.edu
-org The organism (e.g. mouse, human). Default: human
-db The genome build. Default: hg18

5.16.2 Default behavior

By default, linksBed creates links to the public UCSC Genome Browser.

For example:

head genes.bed
chr21 9928613  10012791  uc002yip.1 0  -
chr21 9928613  10012791  uc002yiq.1 0  -
chr21 9928613  10012791  uc002yir.1 0  -
chr21 9928613  10012791  uc010gkv.1 0  -
chr21 9928613  10061300  uc002yis.1 0  -
chr21 10042683 10120796  uc002yit.1 0  -
chr21 10042683 10120808  uc002yiu.1 0  -
chr21 10079666 10120808  uc002yiv.1 0  -
chr21 10080031 10081687  uc002yiw.1 0  -
chr21 10081660 10120796  uc002yix.2 0  -

linksBed -i genes.bed > genes.html

When genes.html is opened in a web browser, one should see something like the following, where each link on the page is built from the features in genes.bed:

Table Of Contents

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5.15 sortBed

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5.17 complementBed

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