Source code for macsypy.database

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# MacSyFinder - Detection of macromolecular systems in protein datasets        #
#               using systems modelling and similarity search.                 #
# Authors: Sophie Abby, Bertrand Néron                                         #
# Copyright © 2014  Institut Pasteur (Paris) and CNRS.                                   #
# See the COPYRIGHT file for details                                           #
#                                                                              #
# MacsyFinder is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License #
# (GPLv3). See the COPYING file for details.                                   #

from itertools import groupby
from collections import namedtuple
from glob import glob
import os.path
import logging
_log = logging.getLogger('macsyfinder.' + __name__)
from subprocess import Popen
from macsypy_error import MacsypyError

[docs]def fasta_iter(fasta_file): """ :param fasta_file: the file containing all input sequences in fasta format. :type fasta_file: file object :author: :return: for a given fasta file, it returns an iterator which yields tuples (string id, string comment, int sequence length) :rtype: iterator """ # ditch the boolean (x[0]) and just keep the header or sequence since # we know they alternate. faiter = (x[1] for x in groupby(fasta_file , lambda line: line[0] == ">")) for header in faiter: # drop the ">" header =[1:].strip() header = header.split() _id = header[0] comment = ' '.join(header[1:]) seq = ''.join(s.strip() for s in length = len(seq) yield _id, comment, length
[docs]class Indexes(object): """ Handle the indexes for macsyfinder: - find the indexes for hmmer, or build them using formatdb or makeblastdb external tools - find the indexes required by macsyfinder to compute some scores, or build them. """
[docs] def __init__(self, cfg): """ The constructor retrieves the file of indexes in the case they are not present or the user asked for build indexes (--idx) Launch the indexes building. :param cfg: the configuration :type cfg: :class:`macsypy.config.Config` object """ self.cfg = cfg self._fasta_path = cfg.sequence_db = os.path.basename(cfg.sequence_db) self._hmmer_indexes = None #list of path self._my_indexes = None #path
[docs] def build(self, force = False): """ Build the indexes from the sequence dataset in fasta format :param force: If True, force the index building even if the index files are present in the sequence dataset folder :type force: boolean """ hmmer_indexes = self.find_hmmer_indexes() my_indexes = self.find_my_indexes() ########################### # build indexes if needed # ########################### index_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(self.cfg.sequence_db)) if force or not hmmer_indexes or not my_indexes: #formatdb create indexes in the same directory as the sequence_db #so it must be writable #if the directory is not writable, formatdb do a Segmentation fault if not os.access(index_dir, os.R_OK|os.W_OK): msg = "cannot build indexes, (%s) is not writable" % index_dir _log.critical(msg) raise IOError(msg) if force or not hmmer_indexes: #self._build_hmmer_indexes() is asynchron hmmer_indexes_proc = self._build_hmmer_indexes() if force or not my_indexes: #self._build_my_indexes() is synchron self._build_my_indexes() ################################# # synchronization point between # # hmmer_indexes and my_indexes # ################################# if force or not hmmer_indexes: hmmer_indexes_proc.wait() if hmmer_indexes_proc.returncode == 127: msg = "neither makeblastdb nor formatdb can be found, check your config or install makeblastb" _log.critical( msg, exc_info = True ) raise RuntimeError(msg) if hmmer_indexes_proc.returncode != 0: msg = "an error occurred during databases indexation see formatdb.log" _log.critical( msg, exc_info = True ) raise RuntimeError(msg) self._hmmer_indexes = self.find_hmmer_indexes() self._my_indexes = self.find_my_indexes() assert self._hmmer_indexes , "failed to create hmmer indexes" assert self._my_indexes, "failed create macsyfinder indexes"
[docs] def find_hmmer_indexes(self): """ :return: The hmmer index files. If indexes are inconsistent (some file(s) missing), a Runtime Error is raised :rtype: list of string """ suffixes = ('.phr', '.pin', '.psd', '.psi', '.psq', '.pal') idx = [] file_nb = 0 for suffix in suffixes: index_files = glob( "%s*%s" % (self._fasta_path, suffix)) nb_of_index = len(index_files) if suffix != '.pal': if file_nb and file_nb != nb_of_index: msg = "some index files are missing. Delete all index files (*.phr, *.pin, *.psd, *.psi, *.psq, *.pal) and try to rebuild them." _log.critical(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) else: if nb_of_index > 1: msg = "too many .pal file . Delete all index files (*.phr, *.pin, *.psd, *.psi, *.psq, *.pal) and try to rebuild them." _log.critical(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) elif file_nb > 1 and nb_of_index == 0: msg = "some index files are missing. Delete all index files (*.phr, *.pin, *.psd, *.psi, *.psq, *.pal) and try to rebuild them." _log.critical(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) elif file_nb == 1 and nb_of_index == 1: msg = "a virtual index is detected (.pal) but there is only one file per index type. Delete all index files (*.phr, *.pin, *.psd, *.psi, *.psq, *.pal) and try to rebuild them." _log.critical(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) idx.extend(index_files) file_nb = nb_of_index return idx
[docs] def find_my_indexes(self): """ :return: the file of macsyfinder indexes if it exists in the dataset folder, None otherwise. :rtype: string """ path = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(self.cfg.sequence_db), + ".idx") if os.path.exists(path): return path
[docs] def _build_hmmer_indexes(self): """ build the index files for hmmer using the formatdb or makeblastdb tool """ index_dir = os.path.dirname(self.cfg.sequence_db) if self.cfg.index_db_exe.find('makeblast') != -1: command = "%s -title %s -in %s -dbtype prot -parse_seqids" % (self.cfg.index_db_exe,, self.cfg.sequence_db) elif self.cfg.index_db_exe.find('formatdb') != -1: # -t Title for database file [String] # -i Input file(s) for formatting [File In] # -p T Type of file = protein # -o T Parse SeqId and create indexes. # -s T Create indexes limited only to accessions command = "%s -t %s -i %s -p T -o T -s T" % ( self.cfg.index_db_exe,, self.cfg.sequence_db ) else: raise MacsypyError("%s is not supported to index the sequence dataset. Please use makeblastdb or formatdb." % self.cfg.sequence_db) _log.debug("hmmer index command: {0}".format(command)) err_path = os.path.join(index_dir, "formatdb.err") with open(err_path, 'w') as err_file: try: formatdb = Popen( command , shell = True , stdout = err_file , stdin = None , stderr = err_file , close_fds = False , ) except Exception, err: msg = "unable to index the sequence dataset : %s : %s" % (command, err) _log.critical( msg, exc_info = True ) raise err return formatdb
[docs] def _build_my_indexes(self): """ Build macsyfinder indexes. These indexes are stored in a file. The file format is the following: - one entry per line, with each line having this format: - sequence id;sequence length;sequence rank """ try: with open(self._fasta_path, 'r') as fasta_file: with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.cfg.sequence_db), + ".idx" ), 'w') as my_base: f_iter = fasta_iter(fasta_file) seq_nb = 0 for seqid, comment, length in f_iter: seq_nb += 1 my_base.write("%s;%d;%d\n" % (seqid, length, seq_nb)) except Exception, err: msg = "unable to index the sequence dataset: %s : %s" % (self.cfg.sequence_db, err) _log.critical(msg, exc_info = True) raise err
"""handle name, topology type, and min/max positions in the sequence dataset for a replicon""" RepliconInfo = namedtuple('RepliconInfo', 'topology, min, max, genes')
[docs]class RepliconDB(object): """ Stores information (topology, min, max, [genes]) for all replicons in the sequence_db the Replicon object must be instantiated only for sequence_db of type 'gembase' or 'ordered_replicon' """ ordered_replicon_name = 'UserReplicon'
[docs] def __init__(self, cfg): """ :param cfg: The configuration object :type cfg: :class:`macsypy.config.Config` object .. note :: This class can be instanciated only if the db_type is 'gembase' or 'ordered_replicon' """ self.cfg = cfg assert self.cfg.db_type in ('gembase', 'ordered_replicon') idx = Indexes(self.cfg) self.sequence_idx = idx.find_my_indexes() self.topology_file = self.cfg.topology_file self._DB = {} if self.topology_file: topo_dict = self._fill_topology() else: topo_dict = {} if self.cfg.db_type == 'gembase': self._fill_gembase_min_max(topo_dict, default_topology = self.cfg.replicon_topology) else: self._fill_ordered_min_max(self.cfg.replicon_topology)
[docs] def _fill_topology(self): """ Fill the internal dictionary with min and max positions for each replicon_name of the sequence_db """ topo_dict = {} with open(self.topology_file) as topo_f: for l in topo_f: if l.startswith('#'): continue replicon_name, topo = l.split(':') replicon_name = replicon_name.strip() topo = topo.strip().lower() topo_dict[replicon_name] = topo return topo_dict
[docs] def _fill_ordered_min_max(self, default_topology = None): """ For the replicon_name of the ordered_replicon sequence base, fill the internal dict with RepliconInfo :param default_topology: the topology provided by config.replicon_topology :type default_topology: string """ _min = 1 #self.sequence_idx is a file with the following structure seq_id;seq_length;seq_rank\n with open(self.sequence_idx) as idx_f: _max = 0 genes = [] for l in idx_f: seq_id, length, _rank = l.split(";") genes.append((seq_id, length)) _max += 1 self._DB[self.ordered_replicon_name] = RepliconInfo(default_topology, _min, _max, genes)
[docs] def _fill_gembase_min_max(self, topology, default_topology): """ For each replicon_name of a gembase dataset, it fills the internal dictionary with a namedtuple RepliconInfo :param topology: the topologies for each replicon (parsed from the file specified with the option --topology-file) :type topology: dict :param default_topology: the topology provided by the config.replicon_topology :type default_topology: string """ def grp_replicon(line): """ in gembase the idtentifier of fasta sequence follow the following schema: replicon_name_seq_name so grp_replicon allow to group sequences belonging to the same replicon. """ return line.split('_')[0] def parse_entry(entry): """ parse an entry in the index file (.idx) an entry have the folowing format sequence_id;sequence lenght;sequence rank in replicon """ entry = entry.rstrip() seq_id, length, rank = entry.split(';') replicon_name , seq_name = seq_id.split('_') return replicon_name, seq_name, length, int(rank) with open(self.sequence_idx) as idx_f: replicons = (x[1] for x in groupby(idx_f, grp_replicon)) for replicon in replicons: genes = [] entry = replicon_name, seq_name, seq_lenght, _min = parse_entry(entry) genes.append((seq_name, seq_lenght)) for entry in replicon: #pass all sequence of the replicon until the last one _, seq_name, seq_lenght, _ = parse_entry(entry) genes.append((seq_name, seq_lenght)) _, seq_name, seq_lenght, _max = parse_entry(entry) genes.append((seq_name, seq_lenght)) if replicon_name in topology: self._DB[replicon_name] = RepliconInfo(topology[replicon_name], _min, _max, genes) else: self._DB[replicon_name] = RepliconInfo(default_topology, _min, _max, genes)
[docs] def __contains__(self, replicon_name): """ :param replicon_name: the name of the replicon :type replicon_name: string :returns: True if replicon_name is in the repliconDB, false otherwise. :rtype: boolean """ return replicon_name in self._DB
[docs] def __getitem__(self, replicon_name): """ :param replicon_name: the name of the replicon to get information on :type replicon_name: string :returns: the RepliconInfo for the provided replicon_name :rtype: :class:`RepliconInfo` object :raise: KeyError if replicon_name is not in repliconDB """ return self._DB[replicon_name]
[docs] def get(self, replicon_name, default = None): """ :param replicon_name: the name of the replicon to get informations :type replicon_name: string :param default: the value to return if the replicon_name is not in the RepliconDB :type default: any :returns: the RepliconInfo for replicon_name if replicon_name is in the repliconDB, else default. If default is not given, it is set to None, so that this method never raises a KeyError. :rtype: :class:`RepliconInfo` object """ return self._DB.get(replicon_name, default)
[docs] def items(self): """ :return: a copy of the RepliconDB as a list of (replicon_name, RepliconInfo) pairs """ return self._DB.items()
[docs] def iteritems(self): """ :return: an iterator over the RepliconDB as a list (replicon_name, RepliconInfo) pairs """ return self._DB.iteritems()
[docs] def replicon_names(self): """ :return: a copy of the RepliconDB as a list of replicon_names """ return self._DB.keys()
[docs] def replicon_infos(self): """ :return: a copy of the RepliconDB as list of replicons info :rtype: RepliconInfo instance """ return self._DB.values()