# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# MacSyFinder - Detection of macromolecular systems in protein datasets #
# using systems modelling and similarity search. #
# Authors: Sophie Abby, Bertrand Néron #
# Copyright © 2014 Institut Pasteur (Paris) and CNRS. #
# See the COPYRIGHT file for details #
# #
# MacsyFinder is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License #
# (GPLv3). See the COPYING file for details. #
import os
import logging
_log = logging.getLogger('macsyfinder.' + __name__)
from subprocess import Popen
from threading import Lock
from report import GembaseHMMReport, GeneralHMMReport, OrderedHMMReport
from macsypy_error import MacsypyError
[docs]class GeneBank(object):
Store all Gene objects. Ensure that genes are instanciated only once.
_genes_bank = {}
[docs] def __getitem__(self, name):
:param name: the name of the Gene
:type name: string
:param cfg: the configuration object
:type cfg: :class:`macsypy.config.Config` object
:return: return the Gene corresponding to the name.
If the Gene already exists, return it, otherwise, build it and return it
:rtype: :class:`macsypy.gene.Gene` object
if name in self._genes_bank:
return self._genes_bank[name]
raise KeyError(name)
[docs] def __contains__(self, gene):
Implement the membership test operator
:param gene: the gene to test
:type gene: :class:`macsypy.gene.Gene` object
:return: True if the gene is in, False otherwise
:rtype: boolean
return gene in self._genes_bank.values()
[docs] def __iter__(self):
Return an iterator object on the genes contained in the bank
return self._genes_bank.itervalues()
[docs] def add_gene(self, gene):
:param name: the name of the gene
:type name: string
:param cfg: the configuration
:type cfg: :class:`macsypy.config.Config` object
:return: return gene corresponding to the name.
If the gene already exists, return it, otherwise, build it and return it
:rtype: :class:`macsypy.gene.Gene` object
:raise: KeyError if a gene with the same name is already registered
if gene in self._genes_bank:
raise KeyError("a gene named %s is already registered" % gene.name)
self._genes_bank[gene.name] = gene
gene_bank = GeneBank()
[docs]class Gene(object):
Handle Gene of a (secretion) System
[docs] def __init__(self, cfg, name,
loner = False,
exchangeable = False,
multi_system = False,
inter_gene_max_space = None ):
handle gene
:param cfg: the configuration object.
:type cfg: :class:`macsypy.config.Config` object
:param name: the name of the Gene.
:type name: string.
:param system: the system that owns this Gene
:type system: :class:`macsypy.system.System` object.
:param profiles_registry: where all the paths profiles where register.
:type profiles_registry: :class:`macsypy.registries.ProfilesRegistry` object.
:param loner: True if the Gene can be isolated on the genome (with no contiguous genes), False otherwise.
:type loner: boolean.
:param exchangeable: True if this Gene can be replaced with one of its homologs or analogs \
whithout any effects on the system assessment, False otherwise.
:type exchangeable: boolean.
:param multi_system: True if this Gene can belong to different occurrences of this System.
:type multi_system: boolean.
:param inter_gene_max_space: the maximum space between this Gene and another gene of the System.
:type inter_gene_max_space: integer
self.name = name
self.profile = profile_factory.get_profile(self, cfg, profiles_registry)
""":ivar profile: The HMM protein Profile corresponding to this gene :class:`macsypy.gene.Profile` object"""
self.homologs = []
self.analogs = []
self._system = system
self._loner = loner
self._exchangeable = exchangeable
self._multi_system = multi_system
self._inter_gene_max_space = inter_gene_max_space
[docs] def __str__(self):
Print the name of the gene and of its homologs/analogs.
s = "name : %s" % self.name
s += "\ninter_gene_max_space: %d"%self.inter_gene_max_space
if self.loner:
s+= "\nloner"
if self.multi_system:
s+= "\nmulti_system"
if self.exchangeable:
s+= "\nexchangeable"
if self.homologs:
s += "\n homologs: "
for h in self.homologs:
s += h.name + ", "
s = s[:-2]
if self.analogs:
s += "\n analogs: "
for a in self.analogs:
s += a.name + ", "
s = s[:-2]
return s
[docs] def system(self):
:return: the System that owns this Gene
:rtype: :class:`macsypy.system.System` object
return self._system
[docs] def loner(self):
:return: True if the gene can be isolated on the genome, False otherwise
:rtype: boolean
return self._loner
[docs] def exchangeable(self):
:return: True if this gene can be replaced with one of its homologs or analogs whithout any effects on the system, False otherwise.
:rtype: boolean.
return self._exchangeable
[docs] def multi_system(self):
:return: True if this Gene can belong to different occurrences of **this System** (and can be used for multiple System assessments), False otherwise.
:rtype: boolean.
return self._multi_system
[docs] def inter_gene_max_space(self):
:return: The maximum distance allowed between this gene and another gene for them to be considered co-localized.
If the value is not set at the Gene level, return the value set at the System level.
:rtype: integer.
if self._inter_gene_max_space is not None:
return self._inter_gene_max_space
return self._system.inter_gene_max_space
[docs] def add_homolog(self, homolog):
Add a homolog gene to the Gene
:param homolog: homolog to add
:type homolog: :class:`macsypy.gene.Homolog` object
[docs] def get_homologs(self):
:return: the Gene homologs
:type: list of :class:`macsypy.gene.Homolog` object
return self.homologs
[docs] def add_analog(self, analog):
Add an analogous gene to the Gene
:param analog: analog to add
:type analog: :class:`macsypy.gene.Analog` object
[docs] def get_analogs(self):
:return: the Gene analogs
:type: list of :class:`macsypy.gene.Analog` object
return self.analogs
[docs] def __eq__(self, gene):
:return: True if the gene names (gene.name) are the same, False otherwise.
:param gene: the query of the test
:type gene: :class:`macsypy.gene.Gene` object.
:rtype: boolean.
return self.name == gene.name
[docs] def is_homolog(self, gene):
:return: True if the two genes are homologs, False otherwise.
:param gene: the query of the test
:type gene: :class:`macsypy.gene.Gene` object.
:rtype: boolean.
if self == gene:
return True
for h in self.homologs:
if gene == h.gene:
return True
return False
[docs] def is_analog(self, gene):
:return: True if the two genes are analogs, False otherwise.
:param gene: the query of the test
:type gene: :class:`macsypy.gene.Gene` object.
:rtype: boolean.
if self == gene:
return True
for h in self.analogs:
if gene == h.gene:
return True
return False
[docs] def is_mandatory(self, system):
:return: True if the gene is within the *mandatory* genes of the system, False otherwise.
:param system: the query of the test
:type system: :class:`macsypy.system.System` object.
:rtype: boolean.
if self in system.mandatory_genes:
return True
return False
[docs] def is_accessory(self, system):
:return: True if the gene is within the *accessory* genes of the system, False otherwise.
:param system: the query of the test
:type system: :class:`macsypy.system.System` object.
:rtype: boolean.
if self in system.accessory_genes:
return True
return False
[docs] def is_forbidden(self, system):
:return: True if the gene is within the *forbidden* genes of the system, False otherwise.
:param system: the query of the test
:type system: :class:`macsypy.system.System` object.
:rtype: boolean.
if self in system.forbidden_genes:
return True
return False
[docs] def is_authorized(self, system, include_forbidden = True):
:return: True if the genes are found in the System definition file (.xml), False otherwise.
:param system: the query of the test
:type system: :class:`macsypy.system.System` object.
:param include_forbidden: tells if forbidden genes should be considered as "authorized" or not
:type include_forbidden: boolean
:rtype: boolean.
#print "\n- is_authorized? -"
#print "%s in %s"%(self, system.name)
if include_forbidden:
for m in (system.mandatory_genes+system.accessory_genes+system.forbidden_genes):
if self == m:
#print "Yes"
return True
if (m.exchangeable and m.is_homolog(self)) or (m.exchangeable and m.is_analog(self)):
#print "Yes - via exchang"
return True
for m in (system.mandatory_genes+system.accessory_genes):
if self == m:
#print "Yes"
return True
if (m.exchangeable and m.is_homolog(self)) or (m.exchangeable and m.is_analog(self)):
#print "Yes - via exchang"
return True
#print "No!"
return False
[docs] def get_compatible_systems(self, system_list, include_forbidden=True):
Test every system in system_list for compatibility with the gene using the is_authorized function.
:param system_list: a list of system names to test
:type system_list: list of strings
:param include_forbidden: tells if forbidden genes should be considered as defining a compatible systems or not
:type include_forbidden: boolean
:return: the list of compatible systems
:rtype: list of string, or void list if none compatible
compatibles = []
for s in system_list:
if self.is_authorized(s, include_forbidden):
return compatibles
[docs]class Homolog(object):
Handle homologs, encapsulate a Gene
[docs] def __init__(self, gene, gene_ref, aligned = False ):
:param gene: the gene
:type gene: :class:`macsypy.gene.Gene` object.
:param gene_ref: the gene to which the current is homolog.
:type gene_ref: :class:`macsypy.gene.Gene` object.
:param aligned: if True, the profile of this gene overlaps totally the sequence of the reference gene profile.\
Otherwise, only partial overlapping between the profiles.
:type aligned: boolean
self.gene = gene
""":ivar gene: gene """
self.ref = gene_ref
self.aligned = aligned
def __getattr__(self, name):
return getattr(self.gene, name)
[docs] def is_aligned(self):
:return: True if this gene homolog is aligned to its homolog, False otherwise.
:rtype: boolean
return self.aligned
[docs] def gene_ref(self):
:return: the gene to which this one is homolog to (reference gene)
:rtype: :class:`macsypy.gene.Gene` object
return self.ref
[docs]class Analog(object):
Handle analogs, encapsulate a Gene
[docs] def __init__(self, gene, gene_ref):
:param gene: the gene
:type gene: :class:`macsypy.gene.Gene` object.
:param gene_ref: the gene to which the current is analog.
:type gene_ref: :class:`macsypy.gene.Gene` object.
self.gene = gene
""":ivar gene: gene """
self.ref = gene_ref
def __getattr__(self, name):
return getattr(self.gene, name)
[docs] def gene_ref(self):
:return: the gene to which this one is analog to (reference gene)
:rtype: :class:`macsypy.gene.Gene` object
return self.ref
[docs]class ProfileFactory():
Build and store all Profile objects. Profiles must not be instanciated directly.
The profile_factory must be used. The profile_factory ensures there is only one instance
of profile for a given name.
To get a profile, use the method get_profile. If the profile is already cached, this instance is returned.
Otherwise a new profile is built, stored in the profile_factory and then returned.
_profiles = {}
[docs] def get_profile(self, gene, cfg, profiles_registry):
:param gene: the gene associated to this profile
:type gene: :class:`macsypy.gene.Gene` or :class:`macsypy.gene.Homolog` or :class:`macsypy.gene.Analog` object
:param profiles_registry: the registry where are stored the path of the profiles
:type profiles_registry: the registry of profiles
:param profiles_registry: :class:`macsypy.registries.ProfilesRegistry` instance.
:return: the profile corresponding to the name.
If the profile already exists, return it. Otherwise build it, store it and return it.
:rtype: :class:`macsypy.gene.Profile` object
if gene.name in self._profiles:
profile = self._profiles[gene.name]
path = profiles_registry.get(gene.name)
if path is None:
raise MacsypyError("{0}: No such profile".format(gene.name))
profile = Profile(gene, cfg, path)
self._profiles[gene.name] = profile
return profile
profile_factory = ProfileFactory()
[docs]class Profile(object):
Handle a HMM protein profile
[docs] def __init__(self, gene, cfg, path):
:param gene: the gene corresponding to this profile
:type gene_name: :class:`macsypy.secretion.Gene` object
:param cfg: the configuration
:type cfg: :class:`macsypy.config.Config` object
:param path: the path to the hmm profile.
:type path: string
self.gene = gene
self.path = path
self.len = self._len()
self.cfg = cfg
self.hmm_raw_output = None
self._report = None
self._lock = Lock()
[docs] def __len__(self):
:return: the length of the HMM protein profile
:rtype: int
return self.len
[docs] def _len(self):
Parse the HMM profile file to get and store the length.
This private method is called at the Profile init.
with open(self.path) as f:
for l in f:
if l.startswith("LENG"):
length = int(l.split()[1])
return length
[docs] def __str__(self):
Print the name of the corresponding gene and the path to the HMM profile.
return "%s : %s" % (self.gene.name, self.path)
[docs] def execute(self):
Launch the Hmmer search (hmmsearch executable) with this profile
:return: an object storing information on th results of the HMM search (HMMReport)
:rtype: :class:`macsypy.report.HMMReport` object
with self._lock:
# the results of HMM is cached
# so HMMsearch is executed only once per run
# if this method is called several times the first call induce the execution of HMMsearch and generate a report
# the other calls return directly this report
if self._report is not None:
return self._report
output_path = os.path.join(self.cfg.working_dir, self.cfg.hmmer_dir, self.gene.name + self.cfg.res_search_suffix)
err_path = os.path.join(self.cfg.working_dir, self.cfg.hmmer_dir, self.gene.name + os.path.splitext(self.cfg.res_search_suffix)[0] + ".err" )
with open(err_path, 'w') as err_file:
options = { "hmmer_exe" : self.cfg.hmmer_exe,
"output_file" : output_path ,
"e_value_res" : self.cfg.e_value_res,
"profile" : self.path,
"sequence_db" : self.cfg.sequence_db,
#command = "%(hmmer_exe)s -o %(output_file)s -E %(e_value_res)d %(profile)s %(sequence_db)s" % options
command = "{hmmer_exe} --cpu 0 -o {output_file} -E {e_value_res:f} {profile} {sequence_db} ".format(**options)
_log.info( "{0} Hmmer command line : {1}".format(self.gene.name, command))
hmmer = Popen( command ,
shell = True ,
stdout = None ,
stdin = None ,
stderr = err_file ,
close_fds = False ,
except Exception, err:
msg = "Hmmer execution failed: command = %s : %s" % ( command , err)
_log.critical( msg, exc_info = True )
raise err
if hmmer.returncode != 0:
if hmmer.returncode == -15:
msg = "the Hmmer execution was aborted: command = %s : return code = %d check %s" % (command, hmmer.returncode, err_path)
msg = "an error occurred during Hmmer execution: command = %s : return code = %d check %s" % (command, hmmer.returncode, err_path)
_log.debug(msg, exc_info = True )
raise RuntimeError(msg)
self.hmm_raw_output = output_path
if self.cfg.db_type == 'gembase':
report = GembaseHMMReport(self.gene, output_path, self.cfg )
elif self.cfg.db_type == 'ordered_replicon':
report = OrderedHMMReport(self.gene, output_path, self.cfg )
report = GeneralHMMReport(self.gene, output_path, self.cfg )
self._report = report
return report